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How To Run An Ad
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How To Run An Ad

Get more readers seeing your ad
Get more readers reading your ad
Get more readers responding

Most likely, you'll encounter plenty of other advertising vehicles out there.

Yellow pages
Yellow pages, for example, take a significant piece of the money spent on local print advertising. Keep in mind that while many businesses find them necessary, that they're really only targeting potential customers who are completely uninformed.

It's more likely that your target customers have bought your product or service somewhere before or know someone who has. These people probably have an idea where they want to go to buy your product already, and may not feel a need to pick up the yellow pages.

They are, however, reading the newspaper, and that's where you can convince them to come to you instead of where they may be going already.

While we're on the topic of yellow pages, think twice about paying for up front positioning. If you think about how you flip through the yellow pages, you might find that you, like many people, flip back to front, encountering the ads in the back of the category first.

Targeted publications
There are probably other local publications in your market dealing with specific topics such as parenting, health, religion, art and others. Since these publications target a smaller segment of the population, usually their circulation is smaller.

While there are plenty of good things to be said about targeting your most likely customers, just make sure the publication is targeting enough readers to get a strong response.

Expect the overall cost of an ad in these publications to be lower than the big dailies and weeklies in your market, but higher on a cost per thousand basis. Each reader will be more expensive to reach, but since they're your most likely customer, they're more valuable to you as well.

Next: Making first contact


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